About Me

Congratulations to the bride and groom! This must be an exciting and memorable time for both of you. TOV LOVE is a boutique design studio in Hong Kong offering bespoke design and wedding services to clients worldwide. Tov Love is a wedding producer dedicated to producing your dream wedding comes true by designing your wedding theme and custom making and taking care of every single detail all the way from the selection of your wedding location, the style of your dream dress, the wordings in your invitation cards to the design of your wedding rings for you. We believe that customers are our No.1 asset and with continue innovation in developing quality services, we look forward to serving you. At TOV LOVE, we offer a variety of services to suit your needs for your wedding experience. Whether the small but important accessories for your wedding day or a wedding album filled with photos of your wedding journey, you can find them here at TOV LOVE. Our goal is to simply add a sparkle to your special once in a lifetime experience.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Vera Wang's Rules for Saying 'I Do'

Vera Wang
Photo By Thomas Iannaccon
Vera Wang’s design portfolio spans far and wide into 40-plus categories, but her reputation as the go-to wedding gown designer is far from waning.

There’s no question she knows what works fashionwise for that trek down the aisle, and here are Wang’s Top Ten Wedding Day Dos.

1. “Feeling comfortable in your appearance is incredibly important. If you feel comfortable with the way you look, you will radiate the most confidence.”

2. “Determine what kind of wedding you are having. The volume, silhouette, proportions, amount of adornment, tailoring and other elements of the dress should have a lot to do with not only where you have your wedding, but what time of day it is being held and what the temperature is. [The dress is] not only about how it looks on your body.”

3. “It’s really important to see the whole look — the dress, the headpiece, the size of the bouquet and the shoes. I would even go so far as to include the makeup. A lot of girls put a tremendous amount of effort into the dress, but they don’t give a lot of thought to the headpiece, tiara, barrettes or other accessories. Very often they are an afterthought.”

4. “Go easy on the bouquet. Bouquets that are too large or too loud will detract from the dress.”

5. “Hem lengths are very key. You have to make sure you don’t see the shoes. The dress should definitely be floating above in the front. If it is too long in front, it’s treacherous. In order to make a wedding a success, the bride should not have to lift the dress. Someone tripped in my most recent show. It can be a particularly long walk down the aisle.”

6. “Makeup is another thing to think about. I’m not crazy about strong red lipstick with a white dress. If you never wear blue eyeshadow or purple eyeshadow or glitter, why wear it on your wedding day? You want to avoid any makeup that makes you look disguised or that makes you no longer look like yourself. That is huge. It should be the same with the hair. Sometimes stylists can get too elaborate with hair styles and colors. Wearing [hair] accessories and [bobby] pins are very much about editing.”

7. “I have to say I prefer a shoe on the quieter side whether it is a fashion shoe (though it doesn’t have to be) or something with a bit of a wedding feeling. I like a shoe with a tapered toe box. I’m not someone who is into a full-on Swarovski-covered glittery shoe. I don’t think you want that much attention. A little kitten heel is nice if you are marrying someone shorter than you, or a platform if you are marrying someone taller.”

8. “It is just as important to have black-and-white photography done as it is to have color. Black and white is chic and timeless.”

9. “Step into your dress whether it is large or narrow. There are things no one can compensate for. I once had a bride get red lipstick on the front of her dress when she pulled it on over her head. Keep anyone with colorful drinks, beverages or makeup away from you.”

10. “Savor the moment. There’s a tendency when people get married to rush down the aisle as soon as the ceremony has ended. I’m not sure if it’s relief or what. But you have to remember the guests spend most of the time looking at your back during the service. So much work goes into planning. Take your time when walking back down the aisle. Let them see the dress.”

INFORMATION FORM: http://www.wwd.com/fashion-news/fashion-features/what-to-do-when-youre-saying-i-do-3591523


究竟一件怎樣的婚紗才能將自己獨特的個性美麗地展現於人前?在行禮當日,除了婚紗外,還有什麼須要注意?前陣子,WWD.com 就請來 Vera Wang 為大家分享其個人心得,並列出在行禮當日要注意的十大事項:

1. 無論選擇一件怎樣款式的婚紗,最重要相信自己的眼睛和感覺。婚紗一定要舒適和合身,切勿盲目追隨潮流或過份受他人影響。

2. 選婚紗前,要決定自己要一個什麼的婚禮。室內或室外、冬天或夏天、沙灘或教堂行禮等等都會影響一件理想婚紗的選擇。

3. 千萬不要過份集中在婚紗上,最重要是做到整體合一,由頭飾,化妝,到花球和鞋都要配合一致。

4. 個人認為一個簡單的花球已經足夠,太大或太誇張的花球只會搶去焦點。

5. 婚紗的長度好影響整體的觀感,因此婚紗的長度不宜過長或過短。合長度的婚紗不應該鞋頭外露,長度應該剛剛貼近地面,而新娘子亦不需要提起婚紗仍能行動自如。

6. 本人就不太過瘋狂誇張的化妝,大紅唇襯白婚紗並不是我杯茶。如果你從未用過藍色眼影,為何要在大日子當日化個藍眼妝?一個自然的妝容已經足夠,千萬不要做個變臉的新娘子。

7. 不得不承認我較愛簡單的新娘鞋,尤愛尖頭鞋;但就不太喜歡鑲滿鑽石或水晶的鞋,主要原因都是想焦點放在婚紗上而不是在雙腳上。亦不要忘記新郎的高度,應該因應對方的高度來選擇適合高度的新娘鞋才是正確。

8. 除彩色相片外,記得在大日子當日拍下黑白照片以作記念,個人感覺黑白相片較 chic 和 timeless。

9. 穿上婚紗後的你要格外留神,要小心周圍的環境,以免令雪白的婚紗沾上污垢。有色的飲料、紅酒、甚或化妝品都要遠離自己。

10. 好好享受行禮或 march in 的一刻,記住要慢慢行,你為這件婚紗所付出的就是為了呢一刻,讓每一位賓客都能欣賞你那件美麗的婚紗。

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